Iluka's sustainability framework is underpinned by a series of policies that guide behaviour and business practice within the company.
View our policies here
The Board has established a corporate governance framework which complies with the Australian Securities Exchange Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations. The framework is reviewed and revised in response to changes in law, developments in corporate governance and changes to Iluka’s business.
Iluka's Board is responsible for the overall corporate governance of Iluka including approving and overseeing our strategic direction, strategies and financial objectives, assessing the performance of management and reporting on business and sustainability performance. The Directors review the company's sustainability performance at each Board meeting.
The Board has a corporate governance framework which complies with the Australian Securities Exchange Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (4th Edition) and encompasses policies, procedures and charters. The framework is reviewed regularly and revised in response to changes in law, developments in corporate governance and changes to our business. For further details please refer to Iluka’s annual Corporate Governance Statement, which is available here.
An annual review of climate-related risks is undertaken by the Board and to approve climate-related disclosures. Duties extend to measuring and reviewing Iluka’s performance against climate change and sustainability targets.
The Board has three established committees: Audit and Risk Committee; Nominations and Governance Committee; and the People and Performance Committee.
Iluka also has a stand-alone Executive Sustainability Committee attended by all executives and chaired by the General Manager – People and Sustainability