Iluka recognises the importance of protecting biodiversity and ecosystem values. We understand that mining activities can have an impact on biodiversity, and our aim is to minimise these effects through a comprehensive and science-based approach. We seek opportunities to make a positive contribution to the surrounding natural environment.
Iluka owns, leases, manages and accesses several operational, rehabilitation and future project sites that contain areas of high biodiversity value in Australia. We work to protect the biodiversity of sensitive environments and contribute to regional biodiversity through ecological and conservation efforts. Our continuous research on plant biodiversity, ecology and recovery of vegetation on rehabilitated mines sites informs biodiversity management across Iluka’s sites.
Guided by the Iluka Environmental Management Standard, biodiversity management considers regional and local biodiversity and regulatory requirements. We integrate responsible environmental management practices during all aspects of the mine lifecycle to protect the long-term health of the environment and communities where we operate.
Iluka undertakes ecological surveys of biodiversity values including for local flora and fauna, with the support of external specialist consultants, to assist in the development of environmental impact assessments. When undertaking these assessments, we consult with all relevant and affected stakeholders. Biodiversity is managed at all Iluka sites through the implementation of environmental, rehabilitation and closure management plans.
Read more about Iluka’s biodiversity work in our latest Sustainability Data Book and in Case Studies and Insights.