Narngulu, Eneabba, Cataby and Capel
Western Australia is the mineral processing hub of Iluka’s Australian operations.
The Narngulu mineral separation plant, near Geraldton, produces final zircon and rutile products. Iluka's operations at Capel, in south west Western Australia, produce synthetic rutile, a value-added ilmenite product.
Narngulu and Capel host the bulk of Iluka’s metallurgical expertise – a key aspect of the company’s mineral processing and technical development activities.
The Cataby mining operation is located approximately 150 kilometres north of Perth. Having commenced in 2019, Cataby has an anticipated mine life of 8.5 years, with the possibility to extend this by a further four years.
Iluka is building Australia's first fully-integrated rare earths refinery at Eneabba. The refinery will be producing light and heavy separated rare earth oxides and capable of processing feedstocks from Iluka’s portfolio and from a range of third-party suppliers. This includes both mineral sands and rare earths deposits. This development is fully funded under a risk sharing arrangement between Iluka and the Australian Government.